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For some of our novels we have a downloadable glossary available. 


Deirdre agus an Rìgh

Glossary Gaelic-Engels bij Deirdre agus an Rìgh


Een gorillababy in het paleis

Glossary Dutch-Spanish for Een gorillababy in het paleis


Lost in London

Glossary English-Spanish

Glossary English-German


Nieuwe buren in de Molenstraat

Glossary Dutch-Portugese

Glossary Dutch-English (this glossary is in the book as well)


Olga en de opdrachten

Glossary Dutch-Russian


Ròna agus MacCodruim

Glossary Gaelic-English for Ròna agus MacCodruim (2nd revised edition)

Glossary Gaelic-English for Ròna agus MacCodruim (1st edition)




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